Monday, July 14, 2008


  1. affix six inches of bead chain to one end of a stout nylon cord twice as long as the barrel of your rifle. At the other end tie a loop (bowline). Eight inches in from the loop on the end tie another loop (bowline). When you wish to clean the rifle, place a patch in the inner of the two loops. Hold rifle muzzle down, drop bead chain into chamber. It will pull the thong down through the barrel. If the patch is too large and gets caught, grasp the end loop and pull the patch out backwards. It is not well to have the thong break leaving a patch in the bore of your rifle.. I usually clean my rifles with carburetor cleaner. I hold them muzzle down, squirt carb cleaner into chamber and bore and clean with a thong as described.

1 comment:

riverwalker said...

I got to make me one of these! This is a great idea and simple too. The carb cleaner is a good tip also!


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