Friday, August 1, 2008
hydration in hot weather
page 118 Let's Eat Right by Adelle Davis
Under normal circumstances, a healthy person runs little risk of deficiencies of sodium and chlorine. In extremely hot weather, however, so much salt can be lost through perspiration that death may occur.
Death from salt deficiency occured during the construction of Boulder Dam and similiar projects. During the blistering summer of 1933 I corresponded with an engineer who was working on Parker Dam. Each letter contained some such note as, "We had a wonderful cook but he died yesterday of sunstroke." The symptoms of sunstroke are now recognized as caused largely by loss of salt through perspiration.
A lack of salt causes symptoms varying in severity from mild lassitude, weariness, or hot-weather fatigue, common during heat waves, to heat cramp, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke, familiar to those who work in iron foundries, furnace or boiler rooms, and industrial plants such as steel or paper mills. Even persons who play tennis or take similar exercise during hot weather may suffer from heat stroke.
Persons working in extremely hot weather are often advised to take a salt tablet with each drink of water.
page 187 there are three nutrients - potassium, sodium and chlorine which we need in quite large amounts. Sodium and chlorine are supplied by tablet salt. Potassium is widely occuring in ........
Morton LiteSalt 11 oz about 99c
1 oz = 6 teaspooons
11 oz = 66 teaspoons= 76,560 mg sodium, and 89,760 mg potassium
1/4 teaspoon serving
290 mg sodium
340 mg potassium
40% iodine
If you put one teaspoon Morton LiteSalt per gallon of water, an 8 oz serving will contain 72 mg Sodium, and 85 mg Potassium.
8 oz of Gatorade
contains 110 mg sodium, 30 mg potassium. (per Gatorade label.)
survivor/resister minimum gear
If reduced to mininum gear I could carry on my mountain bike with airless tires a rifle, 200 loaded rounds, 50 cal kit for 500 reloads
and forty pounds other gear without which life might be short but grim -- poncho, hammock, sleepbag, silnylon tarp, cast net, trot line,
cookpot, ax etc.
Ranges are short in the piney woods of East Texas. Subsonic handloads are quiet. They will be lucky if they do not catch me.
Original Lee Loader (sizes only the neck)
OLL tutorial
Reloading with Lee Loader video
RCBS hand priming tool
in addition to bench mounted tools,
I have 50 cal ammo can kits for 30-06, 30-30 and 45-70.
Each 50 can holds Original Lee Loader, RCBS hand priming tool, and powder, primers and bullets for 500 reloads.