Good info does not perish.
Cayenne information I never knew about. : LUSENET : TimeBomb 2000 (Y2000)
Preparation Forum : One Thread
From the October 1999 Idaho Observer: Cayenne:
A stimulant Herb by Dr. John Christopher
Cayenne is one of God's wonderful herbal
creations that never ceases to amaze! Lecturing
recently, we heard the following story:
One told how he had cut deeply with a sharp
instrument the inside of his hand, fingers and
palm. The blood spurted out in streams. He
poured a large amount of cayenne pepper into
the wound, and within seconds the blood flow
slowed down to congealed dripping and the
bleeding stopped entirely before many seconds
had passed.
With a goodly amount of cayenne covering the
wound, he then wrapped it. He was so excited
about the rapid results he could hardly wait
for the regular herb meeting. But, as he said,
the "punch line" was lost, because instead of
a nasty ragged scar to show how severely he
had been hurt, the area was healed and there
was no scar.
Many of the old herbalists claim that in cases
of severe cuts, gunshot wounds, etc., cayenne
can be taken internally as a tea and the
bleeding will stop by the time, in most cases,
you can count to ten.
Cayenne goes immediately into the bloodstream
and adjusts the blood pressure from the top
of the head, to the bottom of the feet, equal
izing pressure over the whole body. This takes
the high pressure, which causes rapid
bleeding, away from the wound and clotting
starts immediately.
Cayenne has been accepted by some of the
orthodox medical profession, as mentioned
in Merck Index, Maleria Medica and
Pharmocology and other standard volumes.
(end excerpt)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
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