Monday, June 15, 2009

The SKS and little old ladies

Why the SKs for little old ladies??
I'm glad that you asked. I particularly
like the SKS for ladies because with it
she can make ten close range immediate,
consecutive one-shot kills. Out here in
the real world if you don't stop the bad
guy dead in his tracks, he gets your ass.
That's bad news for ladies. No lady wants
to be raped by a gang of streetscum.

My Garand 3006 is a bit much for most ladies.
My wife (age 74 130 lbs) shoots the SKS
quite well. She make one-shot kills on
water-filled milk jugs at 50 yards.
That'll keep the bad guys off the front

The SKS 762x39 is suitable because
it has little recoil, is equal in power to
the 30-30 , is semi-auto and holds ten
SKS loads from a stripper clip.
To load from a stripper clip
-- put the safety ON
--pull the bolt handle back
to lock the bolt open.
--put end of stripper clip in clip
slot in bolt
--place your thumb well back on the top
cartridge in the stripper clip so that
your thumb rides along the stripper
clip as you press the cartridges down
into the magazine.
--if you are ready to shoot, pull the bolt
handle back with right hand knuckles down
and release the bolt handle. That will
load a cartridge into the chamber.
When you push the safety OFF you can
fire the rifle.

NOTE--if you DO NOT wish to shoot ......
--grasp bolt operating
handle with right hand KNUCKLES DOWN,
pull back slightly and hold.
--With your left thumb press and hold
the cartridges down in the magazine,
and let the bolt SLOWLY ride forward
over the top cartridge (move your left
hand) and let the bolt close on an empty

If you carry the rifle with empty chamber..
when you are ready to shoot,
pull bolt handle to the rear with right
hand knuckles down and let it slam
forward chambering a round, then push
safety to OFF and you may fire. Why
pull the bolt handle back with right
hand knuckles down??? IF the rifle
fires when the bolt closes on a round
in the chamber ( called a "slam fire)
and your knuckles are UP, the bolt
handle will relocate your right thumb
some four inches to the rear of where
it grew on your hand. If you have a
slam fire with knuckles down the bolt
handle will not catch your thumb. A
slam fire is a rare occurence. Once
is one time too many if it breaks your

ALSO affix six inches of bead chain
to one end of a stout nylon cord twice
as long as the barrel of your rifle.
At the other end tie a loop (bowline).
Eight inches in from the loop on the
end tie another loop (bowline). When
you wish to clean the rifle, place a
patch in the inner of the two loops.
Hold rifle muzzle down, drop bead chain
into chamber. It will pull the thong
down through the barrel. If the patch
is too large and gets caught, grasp
the end loop and pull the patch out
backwards. It is not well to have the
thong break leaving a patch in the bore
of your rifle..

I usually clean my rifles with carburetor
cleaner. I hold them muzzle down, squirt
carb cleaner into chamber and bore and
clean with a thong as described.

also .............

I saw a 16" barrel SKS 762x39
in BrandX folding plastic stock (marked only
Pat Pend.)
folded 29" OAL extended 39" OAL
If necessary may be carried under a raincoat or

Good samaritans stop to help you.
Predators stop to help themselves.


HermitJim said...

Sounds like sage advice to me, Vlad!

Bitmap said...

I describe it as racking with the palm up. This applies to any semi where the cocking handle moves with the bolt i.e. M1, M1 Carbine, M14/M1A, AK/AKM, every semi shotgun that I can think of.

The risk is not just slam-fire. Thumb damage is also a risk from a hangfire.

Ryan said...

While I don't like or own the SKS I can see their strong points. Their relatively pleasant recoil is a great example of what a relatively heavy weapon coupled with a moderately powered cartridge will do, sort of like a steel 4" .38.

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