Monday, July 14, 2008

Haitian Zebco

You need not carry a rod and reel in your BOB.
You can easily improvise. I prefer to use
50 lb test spyderwire
which is as thin as BrandX
ten lb test line.
Wrap the line around a bottle or Coke can. Take
care that you securely tie the end of the
line to the can.

With a little practice you can cast a lure or baited hook
almost as far, and as accurately, as with rod and reel.

To retrieve, let the incoming line run through one hand.
With the other hand move the bottle as if stirring the air
with it and the line will wrap on the bottle.

1 comment:

Mayberry said...

This will work, but don't try it with a fiesty 20 lb. redfish!! Saltwater fishing requires a pole. While there are 2 pound trout everywhere, you never know when one of those 20 lb. bruisers might come along.....

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